Worthy. Safe. Enough.

Teri Sertic Medicine Woman

Worthy. Safe. Enough.

One day she realized that the toughest and most rewarding job in the world was not parenting her precious children, but accepting the invitation to love herself by the reflection of her children's wisdom.

Every moment was a call to hold compassion for herself, forgiveness for how much she had learned to hate herself.

For the love of her children, she took a swan dive into the deepest healing journey, and it was at the bottom of the well where she realized it couldn't be for them that she healed.

They didn't require that.

They came without expectations. Pure unconditional angelic love.

It had to be for her - for the little girl in her and the woman she was trying to become. It was scraping the walls to crawl back up that she realized she couldn't allow herself to bleed anymore to feel better.

She couldn't shame herself into getting it right.

She couldn't blame the perpetrators for her continued imprisonment.

She could only breathe and send love deep into her heart every second until she realized that she was absolutely okay.

Worthy. Safe. Enough.

Breath by breath she would come out of the darkness and become visible.

Helping you remember what you were never meant to forget,

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Hip Shakin' Freedom